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Posting Images and Videos

A few years ago most people only took a camera to special occasions like parties or holidays.  Now we carry cameras all the time - on our phones.

You can take some snaps or shoot a video anywhere and share them online in no time. Photos and videos can be a great way to show your friends what you are up to.

But remember, it can be really hard, sometimes impossible, to delete pictures or videos from the internet or other people’s mobiles.  Once you have shared something online or on your mobile you’ve lost control of it - it can be copied, shared and even edited!

If you send an embarrassing picture or video to a friend it could end up anywhere.  If you post it online anyone could see it, including your parents, teachers or future employers!

Remember – it is never too late to get help if you have shared something you regret.  You can report photos and videos to the websites they are on or seek help from an adult you trust.

First to a Million

Ever posted something you regret?  Find out how to get help when things go too far.  You choose what happens in this interactive film!

5 questions you should ask before you post

It can be really hard to keep on top of all the things we post online but taking a moment to think before you post helps prevent silly mistakes.  Ask yourself:

  1. What do I look like?
    If you didn't know you, what would think about this post?  What would you think about the person who posted it?  Things that we might share with friends as a joke can look very different to someone else, and that might be someone you are trying to impress - a girl, a boy, even an employer or a university recruiter.
  2. Is this ink permanent?
    When you share something online, you can lose control of it.  Even if you delete a photo or post you can't be sure it hasn't been copied or downloaded by someone else.  Think about how many people you are sharing with and whether they will take care of what you share.  Don't forget it's easy for other people to copy what you share online, change it and share it without you knowing.
  3. Am I giving away too much?
    The more you share, the more people can learn about you.  Could they use your posts to bully you?
  4. Would I want this shared about me?
    It is important to think about the impact what you post online might have on others. Do you have your friend's permission to share that funny picture of them?  Could that jokey comment you posted hurt someone's feelings?
  5. The Billboard Test.
    Before you post something online, think: would you be happy to see it on a billboard where the rest of your school, your parents, your grandparents and neighbours could see it?  If not, think twice about sharing online.

Have you shared something you regret?

Talk to someone - ChildLine

ChildLine is a free helpline for children and young people.  You can contact ChildLine about anything.  No problem is too big or too small.  Whatever your worry, it is better out than in.

ChildLine is a private and confidential service.  Confidential means not telling anyone else what you have said.  This means that whatever you say stays between you and ChildLine.

They would only need to tell someone else if:

  • You ask them to
  • They believe your life or someone else’s life is in immediate danger
  • You are being hurt by someone in a position of trust who has access to other children like a teacher or police officer
  • You tell them that you are seriously harming another young person

Call them on 0800 1111.  The number won’t appear on your phone bill.

You can also visit to speak to a counsellor online.

Share your experiences with other young people

Talk to other young people about your experiences and get support at the ChildLine messageboards.  There are lots of young people talking about everything from sex and relationships to sport and fashion.

Childline Online Message Board

Report it

If someone is threatening you over a picture or video you have shared you can report to CEOP.

CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection)

CEOP helps young people who are being sexually abused or are worried that someone they have met is trying to abuse them.

If you have met someone online, or face to face, and they are putting you under pressure to have sex or making you feel uncomfortable you should report to CEOP.

This might be someone:

  • Making you have sex when you donʼt want to
  • Chatting about sex online
  • Asking you to meet up face to face if youʼve only met them online
  • Asking you to do sexual things on webcam
  • Asking for sexual pictures of you
  • Making you feel worried, anxious or unsafe

If this is happening to you, or you are worried that it might be, you can report this to CEOP.