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Summer 2025 Examinations

Timetables are unavailable at present

Mock Exams - April 2025 (Year 12)

Mock Exams - November 2025 (Year 11)

Timetables are unavailable at present

General Rules

In any exam assessment (this includes coursework), you must not:

  • Submit work which is not your own

  • Make available your work to other candidates through any medium

  • Allow other candidates to have access to your own independently sourced material

  • Assist other candidates to produce work

  • Use books, the internet or other sources without acknowledgement or attribution

  • Submit work that has been word processed by a third party without acknowledgement

  • Including inappropriate, offensive or obscene material


Due to Data Protection, Plymouth High School for Girls are no longer able to keep exam certificates for longer than 12 months or issue statements of results.

Exam Boards will need to be contacted directly to be able to obtain a statement of results.

If you have any questions regarding examination please contact our Examinations Officer, Mrs Julie Hardwick.


Exam & Performance Data

In schools in England and Wales student performance data is compared by government agencies such as Ofsted and the Department for Education (DfE).  This helps parents and carers to see how well students are likely to achieve in Plymouth High School, compared to students in other similar schools.

View the latest data for Plymouth High Schools

We hope you find this information helpful.  If you would like to discuss it further with us please contact the school on

Latest Performance Data

Due to the uneven impact of the pandemic the DfE recommends:

  • Not making direct comparisons with data from previous years or between schools or colleges
  • Discussing with the school of college factors that may have influenced these results.
Key stage 4

Number of pupils at the end of key stage 4


Progress 8 score


Average attainment 8 score per pupil


Number of pupils included in the Progress 8 score


% achieving a strong pass in English and maths (grade 5 or above)


% achieving a standard pass in English and maths (grade 4 or above)


% of pupils entering the English Baccalaureate


% achieving grade 5 or above in the English Baccalaureate


EBacc average points score




A level value added score


Number of students at the end of 16-18 studies


Number of students at the end of 16-18 study with an A level exam entry (for average grade measure)


Average point score per A level entry


Number of students at the end of 16-18 study with an applied general exam entry (for average grade measure)


Average point score per applied general entry expressed as a vocational grade
