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PHSG Student and Class of the week

Student of the week: Sanskruti, 11T, ''Fantastic effort in her GCSE mock geography after only starting the subject less than 2 months ago.'' Nominated by Mr Graves. Awarded 10 House Points
Class of the week: Year 9 Food and Nutrition Class with Mrs Brown. ''They have had their first lesson of food in year 9, and I have been really impressed with how much they have remembered from Year 8 and the maturity shown when cooking.  They were thrown in the deep end with a practical lesson so that we made the best use of their double lessons and have absolutely risen to the occasion.''

Other Nominations:



Elise, 13LWN. ''For coming in and taking part In CAMP (in 4 different groups), even though she had an Interview for Medicine that day.'' Nominated by Mrs Walsh

Brooke, 10T. ''For always being polite and helpful and running errands for the reception team.'' Nominated by Miss Shattock & Mrs Hore

Sophie, Y12. ''Despite being unable to attend RS lessons (even online as they are usually fall at the same time as her treatment) she continues to submit work of a really high standard'' Nominated by Mrs Brownbridge.

Ellen, 10K. ''For a fantastic  9 mark answer in Geography.'' Nominated by Mr Graves.



Head Student Team 2024, Verity, Kitty, Frakie & Ellathea. ''For hosting their first event at CAMP. They presented very eloquently, clearly and confidently. They didn’t show any nerves to over 200 parents / students and staff. They were amazing and had lots of chemistry for a newly formulated Team at the beginning of their HST journey.'' Nominated by Miss Benwell

8T English class. ''For responding to some guidance and a request with maturity and grace. The choice to do the right thing without confrontation was impressive and much appreciated. Soft skills and the ability to ‘read’ a situation are fundamental to success in life -your behaviour choices on Wednesday morning were excellent: well done'' Nominated by Mrs Blunden-Currie

Y13 History Class. ''For their focus and hard work on 24th November when completing their source essay question for A-level History.'' Nominated by Miss Chapman.