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PHSG Student and Class of the week

Student of the week: Hannah, 8K, ''For the highest achieving English Literature essay of the whole year group. Her eloquent phrasing, preparation and contextual knowledge were exemplary and her work has now been entered into our exemplar library. Hannah continuously exhibits the rigorous academic standard we are so proud of at PHSG!'' Nominated by Miss Readey. Awarded 10 House points. 
Class of the week: 7L Tutor Class. ''For their outstanding attitude to learning during this first term at PHSG. They are positive, engaged and supportive of each other and have made a great start to year 7.'' Nominated by Mrs Goolden.

Other Nominations.


Megan, 11CRO. ''For getting through to and completing the UKMT Senior Kangaroo challenge.'' Nominated by Miss Wakeling

Megan, 11CRO. ''For an excellent effort and result with weekly practice paper homework in Maths'' Nominated by Mrs Freeman-Alford


Finn and Ryan, Y10. ''For an outstanding ensemble performance in GCSE Music.'' Nominated by Mrs Marcer-Griffiths

10C GCSE PE. ''For fully embracing the retrieval activity in GCSE PE of creating a double circulatory system using PE equipment-they came up with some very imaginative and accurate double circulatory systems!'' Nominate by Mrs Pickles.

7L English. ''For approaching and completing their first English essay with a sensible and mature attitude.'' Nominated by Mr Rutherford.