National Careers Week

This week is National Careers Week, and it is the perfect platform to advise and inspire the next generation as they enter the world of work.
National Careers Week (NCW), which takes place this year between the 7th - 12th of March 2022, is a great opportunity for parents to get familiar with career routes that don’t necessarily follow the more traditional A Level/university path. There are lots of different ways your teen can get on track for great work pathways that help them play to their strengths depending on how they learn best, whether they’re 16 or 18 years’ old or beyond.
The Parents’ Guide provides parents with the information they need to help their teenage children make the right choices to create successful futures after GCSE and sixth form.
Parent_Carer_guide_The_Parents_Guide_to_NCW_2.pdf (
If you have any questions regarding a particular career path or need guidance on choices please contact our careers Leader and Advisor, Mrs Heather Longford.