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PHSG Student and Class of the Week

Class of the week: 11D GCSE RS, with Mrs McAuliffe, ''For the sheer effort and determination they have shown in approaching their first green assessment.  The class average on this part of the syllabus improved by 13% since their mocks''

Other Nominations:

Class of the week:

8T, ''I've had 8T more times than I can count over the last week, and they have been absolutely brilliant. Despite having had so much cover they've worked really hard and been really helpful in sorting out resources and work on Teams'' Nominated by Miss Barnett

7A History ''For fantastic, comical and well produced public information pamphlets about how to survive the Black Death'' Nominated by Mrs Nutter.

7K Science ''For the work they did in Science on 01/02/22. They have been researching elements of the Periodic Table and their effort, enthusiasm and research skills in this task were outstanding. Their work is going to make a fantastic learning display for other students'' Nominated by Miss Joynes.

10P Maths ''10P1 have been very determined with all of the challenges that have been presented in our co-ordinate geometry work this half term. They have been particularly good at getting stuck into problem solving and start each challenge with purpose.' Nominated by Miss Freeman