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PHSG students in support of COP26 Youth Day

On Friday 5th November, PHSG students conducted a silent protest on the school grounds with a message of 'Enough Talking, Time for Action' in support of the COP26 Youth Day.

Lara and Amy, the PHSG Student Leaders for the Earth Alliance Group, staged a silent protest for PHSG students who are passionate about turning the tide on climate change. They felt it was important to conduct the protest during the time the COP26 was physically taking place and reached out to students throughout the school to join them in making their voices heard. 
Amy and Lara stated:

We feel that as a school and as individuals we need to be heard, as we see the need for more action to be taken to protect and repair our planet. Our protest today will be silent. This is because the message that we want to send is “Enough talking, time for climate action”.  

Hundreds of students spoke with their feet and joined the Earth Alliance Team on the courts for a 15 minute silent protest during their Period 5 lesson on Friday 5th November. Their chalk message 'No more Talking, Time for Climate Action' was prominently displayed in front of them as the students sat in silence for the duration. 

Lara and Amy will be sending their message to Luke Pollard, MP, to show that Plymouth High School for Girls cares about the environment and to ask him to make positive climate action within the government.

We are so incredibly proud of our young leaders for organising and demonstrating through such a powerful event. The sound of silence on the courts, which were covered in hundreds of sitting students, was an eerie experience. We are delighted to be able to provide our students with the platform to discuss and express their feelings on subjects that they are passionate about.

For details about the PHSG Earth Alliance Group, please visit their page here.