Free Nasal Childhood Flu Vaccination for PHSG students

If your child is in Year 7 to Year 11 from September 2021, then they are eligible for a Free Nasal Childhood Flu Vaccination. The immunisation team will be visiting PHSG on the 24th September 2021.
The Flu vaccination is one of the most effective interventions we have to reduce pressure on the health and social care system, which is going to be more important than ever this year. For this reason, it is essential we deliver the vaccine to as many children as possible to protect them and prevent the spread of infection to those most at risk in society.
Considering the above, we are expecting demand to be high, and therefore we urge you to follow the below link to consent to your child’s vaccination asap. Even if you do not want your child to receive this vaccination, please complete the consent form stating “decline”. On this link you will also find answers to your FAQ’s and links to the current Public Health England and manufacturers leaflets. We recommend you discuss this vaccination with your child prior to the date of vaccination.
Prior to completion of the consent, you will need each individual child’s unique NHS number – this can be found in their red book, or via this link:
Find your NHS number - NHS (
To complete the consent/decline please click on the link below:
We will be operating a strict policy of closing the consent links 5 days before the school session date. If you complete a late consent (after the link closing date or on the day), your child(ren) will not be vaccinated at school and you will be offered the opportunity to book them into a local community catch up clinic. This also applies if your child is absent or refuses the vaccination at school.
If you have any difficulties with completing the consent form, please contact the Immunisation Team on our Single Point of Access (SPA).
Tel: 0300 247 0082 (lines open 9:00 until 16:30)
Many thanks for your co-operation.
Yours sincerely
Virgin Care Immunisation Team