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Mental Health Awareness Week

MAKE A NOTE! Mental Health Awareness Week: Monday 10th to Sunday 16th May. PHSG will be conducting a range of activities throughout the week in support of MHAW.

Everyone has mental health and during this week we, along with all our Trust schools, will encourage conversations in class to understand and acknowledge that mental health means something to everyone, we will reassure our students know that it’s okay not to be okay, and empower them to speak out about mental health issues.  
1. Sharing’s caring - advice and guidance will be available on how and where our students can ask for mental health help  
2. Plant power - our students are invited to grow their own sunflower - the emblem of hope – in class from a seed  
3. Get creative - take part in anxiety-reducing activities, such as colouring in detailed pictures  
4. Go green - Green Ribbon Day 14th May – wear a ribbon or something green - in a shared nod to everyone’s mental health  
5. A HeadStart - this webinar is part of a long-term programme funded by the National Lottery Community Fund, HeadStart share a range of initiatives for improving resilience and emotional well-being in 10-16 year olds. More details to follow.  
6. Our Trust-wide mental health themes are depression, self-harm, and anxiety. All issues discussed will be age and understanding appropriate.  
7. Read On – Head to the Library and check out the Mental Health Awareness display. There are some recommended reads, Mental Health website and App suggestions and as this year’s theme is ‘Nature,’ you can scan a QR code for information about Plymouth’s nature reserves.

While we know and understand that mental health covers a huge array of conditions, these are important for our age of students. Growing up today seems to be harder than ever, especially as we come out of our third lockdown, children and young people face a host of stressors that are so new and different to anything we had growing up. In a 24-hour online world, young people need more support than ever. Our week-long focus on Mental Health in line with this awareness week, further supports our ongoing commitment to this important part of growing up. Well-rounded mental health sets the tone for a happier, and more balanced life beyond school.