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Careers and Work Experience

Plymouth High School for Girls has held the prestigious Investor in Careers award since 2002. Following our reassessment, in October 2023, we are delighted to announce that Plymouth High School for Girls has successfully completed and achieved the Quality in Careers Standard, through Investor in Careers and are now full holders of the award for the next three years!

Being awarded the Quality Standard Careers Award is a real achievement. By fully meeting the accreditation criteria, incorporating the Gatsby Benchmarks, we are encompassing our school motto ‘for life, not school, we learn’. We are committed to continue to develop our careers provision to ensure that our students have the skills to enable them to make career decisions both now and in the future.

Every student at Plymouth High School is entitled to Careers Education and Guidance, as they anticipate and prepare for their future roles in society.

Pupils will receive a full programme of Careers Education and Guidance which is taught within the Personal, Social & Health Education framework during the Tutorial lesson. This is supported throughout the curriculum in all subject areas when appropriate. Pupils have access to a wide range of Careers material via the extensive school computer network.

Importance is placed on equality of opportunity and giving individual advice, parents are welcome to attend careers interviews with their daughter and the special Information evenings which are held annually.

We deliver Careers Education and Guidance in a number of ways, but always follow these principles:

  • Advice should be tailored to meet individual needs
  • It should broaden the interests, experiences and aspirations of each pupil
  • It is professionally and objectively delivered
  • Information is accurate, up-to-date, comprehensive and freely available
  • It should promote equality of opportunity

In addition all students are given the opportunity to:

  • Find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeship opportunities
  • Hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships
  • Understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses
All pupils in Year 10 undertake a period of work experience during their summer term. Pupils are encouraged to find their own placement, having completed a preparation programme during the course of the year.

In addition, industry days, industrial visits, contact with visiting employers and mini-enterprise activities also give pupils experience of the "world of work".

The Sixth Form have the option of undertaking a week of work experience during our enrichment week in the Summer Term. Sixth Formers are also encouraged to organise a session of Work Experience for one afternoon a week, timetable permitting, during their course of study.


Introduction to the Careers Department

A high quality careers provision is essential in today’s complex and changing employment market. Careers education and guidance play a vital role in Plymouth High School for Girls to ensure that the students make the smooth transition from school to higher education and employment.

Mrs Longford, who is the full time Careers Leader and Advisor, is able to provide impartial advice and up to date information to help pupils make informed decisions about the career that best suits them. 

The Careers Department will provide a first class careers service for all the pupils of Plymouth High School for Girls.

Aims of the Careers Department

The overall aim of the Careers Department is to provide an effective careers education and guidance programme to enable our pupils to manage their own career development successfully, by helping them acquire the skills, attitudes and abilities they will need to chart their path through life with confidence and to be effective in a variety of adult roles.

Strategic Objectives

In support of this overall aim, there are 5 strategic objectives for our careers education and guidance programme; helping pupils to develop:

  • Knowledge and understanding of themselves as individuals - their strengths, skills, personal qualities, interests, attainments and capabilities;
  • Awareness and understanding of the world of work and of the career and learning opportunities available to them in terms of further/higher education, training and employment;
  • Career planning and decision making skills in order to manage transition from school to university/workplace
  • The skills and personal qualities necessary to gain admission onto higher education courses and employment
  • Confidence and independence in terms of managing their career.

Monitoring, review, evaluation and development of CEIAG

Our partnerships are reviewed regularly. The following provision is reviewed by the Head of PSHE & Citizenship and the Careers Leader:-

• Lesson and tutor observations within PSHE lessons as part of School Self Evaluation

• Developmental activity is identified annually in the SIP.

• Feedback on the effectiveness of the CEIAG programme is sought through student groups, questionnaires and focus groups. Resulting action points then feed into the following year’s planning process to ensure they are addressed.

• Reassessment to meet the criteria for The Quality Standard Careers Award ensures continuous development of the CEIAG programme at PHSG.

PHSG welcomes all feedback about any aspect of our CEIAG Provision, this should be emailed to;

Contact details

Senior Leadership Manager with overall responsibility for CEIAG; Alan Jenkins,

Careers Leader; Heather Longford,

Governor with responsibility for oversight of CEIAG; Catherine Lewin,

If you require any further information about Plymouth High School for Girls Careers Service please contact;

Mrs Heather Longford
Careers Leader & Advisor
033 33 602230 ext 05052

Please click here for the policy on Provider Access

CEIAG Entitlement & Provider Access


Get the information you need to help your child make the right choices at 14, 16 and 18 through the Careerpilot website, aimed at young people, and the Parent Zone, aimed at parents and carers.

Careerpilot is a free website helping 13—19 year olds in the South of England plan their future study and work and has a lot of useful information for young people and parents. 

The Careerpilot Parent Zone can help you as a parent/carer get answers to the career questions you want to ask, about:

• Choices at 14, 16 and 18; 
• Further Education College;
• Apprenticeships and Traineeships;
• Higher Education (including HE provided at local colleges);
• Job sectors and growth;
• Funding and support.

Answers are clearly written and link to additional information in the Careerpilot website or on other websites. Access the Parent Zone from the Careerpilot home page or from:

Parents Pack

Parents can access the current and past editions of the National Apprenticeship Service Parents’ Pack via the amazing apprenticeships link below. Each issue is filled with advice and guidance. 

Useful Links

National Careers Service -

Amazing Apprenticeships –

Speakers for schools -

Student Padlet Careers Hub - Student Padlet



Plymouth High committed to careers education.

Careers education at Plymouth High is a core component of what we do and fits well with our motto, ‘For life not school we learn’. Our careers lead, Mrs Longford, ensures that our students have access to high quality careers education.  She provides students with the support they need so that they have the best chance of realising their career aspirations.  

Careers Certificate