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Head Student Team 2023

Head Student


Hi, I’m Poppy, and I’m so grateful to be Plymouth High’s Head Student and Student Council Lead for 2023. I’m excited to see the positive impact our projects will have on the school community, as well as continuing the amazing work of last year’s team. Since year 7, I have looked up to members of the HST as amazing role models, and I hope that I become one of these role models myself. I want to make sure everyone feels that they can trust me and that I am approachable. I am only an email away, and you can always speak to me in school – I'm so excited to work with you all! 

My main goal within the Head Student Team this year is to increase participation in all areas of our school community. We will be using the HST social media much more to display everything that is going on around the school – so look out for this! 

During my time in the Head Student Team, I would like to encourage everyone to get involved with student council, so that the student voice at PHSG can be as diverse as possible. I hope our ideas can not only reach students in Plymouth High, but all around the trust too! Student Council will be an open, friendly and inclusive space where everyone can speak up about school issues and feel listened to. I believe that collaboration, fresh ideas and discussion will lead to positive change within the school, and I can’t wait to see the outcomes of our meetings! 



Deputy Head Student


Hey guys! I am Erin and for 2023 will be one of your Deputy Head Students whilst also coordinating Charity and Wellbeing within Plymouth High. This is such an amazing opportunity, and I cannot wait to get to know more of Plymouth High’s students through this role.

My goals for 2023 are to ensure everyone one at PHSG has a say in the decisions that take place for charity and wellbeing. Encouraging wellbeing at PHSG is something I also want to emphasise; we all need to look after ourselves and each other so by having a variety of things in place around school, I am hoping that students can access support easier. Charity events that take place are to raise money, but I also want it to be fun for everyone to get as many of you involved. Whether it is a bake sale, a shoebox donation or simply just spending your time helping, it all contributes and benefits the charities. As well as this, I want to look at the bigger picture and look into different ways to have both charitable and wellbeing events across the entirety of TSAT.

By the end of 2023, when I stand down from this role, I hope that there will be an even bigger sense of community which has been achieved through charitable and wellbeing events- both within Plymouth High School and the Trust.




Deputy Head Student


Hi I’m Zara, and I’m so excited to be the editor of the school magazine Hear Me Out for 2023. I really hope I can continue the work that’s been done by my predecessors and build on it. Although I aspired to becoming some sort of student leader when I first joined the school, actually becoming the editor of a magazine which I’m passionate about is quite surreal. I really hope I can encourage creativity and curiosity in students of Plymouth high and be an approachable source of intelligence and advise.                                                

‘Hear Me Out’ is a creative vehicle for students and as its editor I would make it a fundamental part of the experience of being a student at Plymouth High School. I want to increase the influence of the magazine and the school’s appreciation for the Arts and Humanities. I’d like to create connections with alumni and professionals, hold a charity exhibition and increase awareness of neurodivergence.  



Deputy Head Student


Hi everyone! I’m Nshira, and I am excited to be part of the PHSG Head Student Team for 2023! As well as being Deputy Head Student, I am also looking forward to taking on the role of the leader of the Diversity and Inclusively group.

Although I only joined the school in September, the PHSG community has been so welcoming and kind, and I hope to exhibit that same behaviour as a deputy head student!

Throughout my time in the Head Student Team, I plan to prioritise accessibility and diverse education for students. I hope to work with the upper and lower schools to implement policies, events and procedures that will aid the inclusively of the school community. I would also like to take advantage of the school’s online platforms to provide resources and education on diversity.

By the end of my term, I would have liked to create lasting and impactful change which will benefit the school long after my time as a student.